Contract number: INNOGLOBO/2/PfBaAIRD/11/2022
Implementation time: 01/08/2023 - 31/07/2026
Total costs: PLN 1,637,997.00
Implementing entitities: Military University of Technology - Photonics Innovation sp. z o. o. - Krishna Infrared Detector KIND Laboratory , The Ohio State University Project manager from MUT: Col. prof. Ph.D. engineer Piotr Martyniuk
Project description:
The project includes industrial and development research. Its main goal is to develop passivation layers for AIIIBV materials, including Al-containing layers, limiting leakage currents in barrier (WAT/Photin) and avalanche (KINDLab) structures. The passivation layers developed as part of the project will increase the performance of the analyzed detection devices compared to the parameters currently obtained. The end result of the proposed 3-year project will be nBn and APD detection structures developed in terms of passivation (limiting surface currents), which will be offered by PHOTIN (Poland) and SK Infrared (USA), respectively.
The research topic undertaken results from the fact that bulk materials and, recently, type II superlattices InAs/InAsSb, are used in the production of simple nBn barrier detectors operating in the medium and long-wavelength range, as well as avalanche photodiodes for the short-wavelength range. The factor limiting the performance of the above-mentioned detectors are surface defects common to AIIIBV materials. To our knowledge, no uniform, repeatable and effective passivation layers limiting leakage currents have been developed so far.
On the part of the Military University of Technology, the research work will be led by Col. Prof. Ph.D. engineer Piotr Martyniuk, while Photin will be represented by: Dr. Eng. Krzysztof Kłos, and the American side is prof. Sanjay Krishna.