MOCVD Planetary Reactor G1 15” x 2” and 8” x 3”

This reactor was built for US company “Bandgap”, and then used by SST, who was put it on CAE for sale.


  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Hyd As1 As2 Ph1 Si2H6 HCl Spare    
MO Ga1 Ga2 In1 In2 Al1 Al2 Mg Zn

Temperature range: Up to 850°C
Recently used for AlInGaP LEDs
Gases used: Arsine, Phosphine, DiSi2H6, HCL
Windows based operating system: Upgraded from OS9

Inquiries for growth of 2” wafers on GaSb, GaAs, and InP could be sent to kk{sign}

!!We send Thanks to dr Chen who was the last Epi expert who worked on this machine!!